A 63 year old man came to the OPD with chief complaints of swelling on left lower limb and chest pain

 Chief complaints

A 63 year old man from Nalgonda, farmer by occupation  came to the OPD with chief complaints of swelling on left lower limb since 5 days, chest pain on and off since 6 months associated with intermittent cough and swelling on the back since 6 months.

History of present illness

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 6 months back. Then he developed chest pain which was stabbing type , non radiating and relieving factors. There was a Swelling on left lower limb which was sudden in onset- since 5 days. Swelling is of non pitting type.

No history of fever, body pains, palpitation, SOB.

Another swelling or Lump is present on the left side of the back which is 5 * 4 cm in size and insidious in onset, gradual in progression with no aggravating or relieving factors.

He had tremors in hands only when holding something 

History of past illness 

The patient is Diabetic and Hypertensive and is on regular treatment- metformin and glimeperide 

No TB, Asthma, Epilepsy,  or any thyroid disease.

Personal History 

He is married

Farmer by occupation 

Mixed diet

Regular bowels

Normal micturition 

No known allergies

Alcohol occasionally taken

No tobacco or drug use

Family history 

No history of DM / HTN / CAD / cancer / TB / Genetic diseases in any of the known family member 

Physical Examination 

A. General Examination 

Moderately built

No pallor

No icterus

No cyanosis 

No clubbing of fingers

No lymphadenopathy 

No dehydration 

Oedema of feet is seen

No dehydration 

Temperature: Afebrile

Pulse rate : 68 beats per minute

RR : 14 per min

BP : 140/90 mm of hg

Systemic Examination

A. Cardiovascular system

Cardiac sounds : S1 and S2 normal

No cardiac murmurs

B. Respiratory system 

No dyspnoea 

No wheezing 

Position of trachea : central

Vesicular breath sounds

No adventitious sounds

D. Abdomen

Shape - distended

No tenderness

No palpable mass

E. CNS examination

Conscious/ alert

Normal speech

No signs of meningeal irritation ( no neck stiffness and a negative kernigs sign)

Normal reflexes


Blood sugar

Liver function test
